Prepositions used in sentence formation and spoken sentences.
The past tense form
The negative form of the past tense
The root form of words and techniques used when forming new words.
Capacity of translating texts trough the help of a dictionary.
Level expectations
Can grasp the gist of a brief, straightforward text on a familiar subject.
Capable of engaging in brief, straightforward conversations on subjects that are familiar to them.
Able to compose short, simple compound sentences on subjects that are familiar to them.
Learners can improve their language skills by reading a range of texts. Poems and rhymes, tales, conversations, insightful messages, explanations, and directions are among the items included.
The subjects are well-known.
Written and spoken texts are straightforward, concise, and build on previously learned lexicon.
Pictures, movements, and repetition help students learn.
The input speech is slow, simple, and delivered in a common accent.
Pay attention to the sounds and try to classify them all fully.
Listen to words and count the number of collections and syllables.
Improve your listening skills by being more conscious of your own voice and others.
Listen and answer appropriately to others.
Listen and comprehend the meaning of different known and unfamiliar terms in a conversation.
Listen and comprehend familiar words and phrases in short and clear texts on a familiar subject.
Pronounce the terms learned correctly using the correct phrases and words.
Use simple familiar language structures while communicating.
Use familiar words and sentences to express your thoughts
Ask and answer questions and connect the meaning of the answers to the question asked.
Take part in short, easy conversations with fluent Elbosala Arabic speakers.
Ask and answer the question and communicate
Participate in small, simple conversations
Learn to use sound perception and mixing strategies to figure out basic and short unfamiliar phrases.
Read popular terms in Elbosala Arabic correctly
Easily follow the words and sentences correctly in Arabic from right to left.
Understand the impact of simple spaces and punctuation in short bursts of text.
Use pictures to help you grasp the meaning in context of plain unfamiliar text.
Correctly write in Elbosala Arabic, from right to left.
Make new words and phrases with sounds and techniques that have been taught in previous levels and new techniques taught in this program.
When writing, follow spelling rules and regulations natural to Elbosala Arabic.
Use full stops and spacing when writing sentences.
Create a constant stream of text with words previously taught at ease.
When writing, use an adequate language structure that seems natural to fluent speakers.
Before you start writing, think about what you want to say in Elbosala Arabic naturally.