List of both Masculine and feminine of substantives
Articles such as the definitive.
Proper terms used when constructing a question.
Adjectives and their declensions.
Elbosala Arabic proper names
Correct personal and possessive Pronouns
Correct techniques used to form the Plural of words.
Conjugation of verbs in the perfect tense.
Level Expectations
Can grasp the gist of a brief, straightforward text on a familiar subject.
Capable of engaging in brief, straightforward conversations on subjects that are familiar to them.
Can write short, concise sentences on subjects that are familiar to them.
Build transferable skills to supplement other areas of the curriculum by readings and cultural exposure
Students can learn Elbosala Arabic through a selection of texts on subjects they are familiar with. Instructions, songs/rhymes, tales, and brief conversations.
The subjects are related to family, friends, and education.
Written and spoken texts are straightforward, concise, and build on previously learned lexicon.
Pictures, movements, and repetition to help students familiarize themselves with Elbosala Arabic.
The input speech is slow paced, simple, and delivered with a common accent.
Listen to simple words and identify the first, middle, and last tones.
Listen to words and count the number of collections and syllables.
Improve your listening skills by being more conscious of your own voice.
Listen and respond appropriately to others.
Listen and comprehend the meaning of simple words in conversation.
Listen and comprehend the familiar words
Correctly produce the language sounds and words.
Pronounce the words learned with the correct stresses and rhythm.
While speaking, use simple language structures.
Use phrases and expressions that are familiar to you to communicate your thoughts.
As you learn, use sound perception and mixing strategies to figure out basic and short unfamiliar phrases.
Read the Elbosala Arabic words and sentences from right to left.
Learn to read common words.
Read and re-read short and simple texts to see the impact of simple spaces and punctuation.
Read and re-read short and simple texts to see the impact of simple spaces and punctuation.
Switch from right to left, writing correctly shaped letters.
Make new words and phrases with sounds and techniques previously acquired.
Use full stops and spacing when writing sentences and texts.
Write a short, easy text on a subject you are acquainted with.