”Make your voice heard” The news might be interesting, but it will not captivate the receiver (viewers or listeners) unless presented in a suitable way. Therefore, this course gives the radio and TV program presenters and indeed all media professionals the necessary tools to develop their voice skills in addition to providing them with the knowledge and the technical skills they need to be aware of their voice and to control and train it in order to make it appealing to the receivers.
في نهاية الدورة، ينبغي للمشاركين:
Be fully aware of the importance of the voice
Understand the basics of the voice and its concentration mechanisms
Improve the performance abilities of the voice and how to control it
Be able to attract the attention of the receiver
توقعات المستوى
The importance of the voice
The concept and criteria of a nice voice
Explaining the voice characteristics and its effect on the receiver
The voice and the self-confidence
Control and command
Breathing form the diaphragm
Relaxation, concentration and control of fear and emotions
The face and tongue muscles
Voice expression
The voice tone, presence and speed
The tone and the voice
Rhythm and dynamics
Using the body language for more freedom
Presentation and diction
Diction, cutting the text and highlighting the intonation and stress in the sentences